Starting off this project I would like to enjoy the idea of creating a new persona. It would be nice to do something completely different, or live through them vicariously with things I never got to do. For some reason the first idea that stuck with me for this project was a lonely farmer with a curse. I do not have the entire backstory figured out yet, but his curse is that he has a snake thumb. Like a green thumb with instead of being great at growing plants everything he grows turns into snakes. And not only in farming even in his day to day activities. When he wakes up in the morning to brush his teeth, if he turns the water on, snakes come out of the faucet. He tries to use the tooth paste and a little snake slithers out. Asides from trying to farm things other than snakes he has a secret. His land is on a massive oil reserve that only he knows about. If you can’t guess the problem each time he tries to dig for it it always turns into snakes no matter how hard he tries. He is afraid of telling anyone because they might try to steal or spread the word about what he has. He was born in Australia and moved to Arizona when he was young. He lost his accent and enjoys where he lives. He has a younger sister Alexandria and a much older brother named Jah. Both of his parents are still alive and together, but have moved away and left the property to himself. They have a healthy relationship, but do not talk that much. This is just the beginning idea for him and I am excited to see where this project goes.
